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Showing 1 - 18 of 18

What's So Spiritual About Fasting

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Leadership

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

Fasting is a biblical teaching and practice. It is interesting to note that there is no specific commandment in the Bible that tells us to fast. In fact, it is assumed that all Christians will fast, a...



Youth Ministry: Spiritual vs Social (Terry Shock)

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Traffic Talk - Matt Woodward

What should the balance be between spiritual and social events in youth ministry?Relevant - what does that individual need to ensure that individual is connected to God everyday in his life?The goal i...



Mission is not your God. God is your God.

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Francis Chan and David Platt

An important reminder of the motive behind our efforts in disciple-making and mission. 



How can the church reach the next generation?

Category: Youth, Leadership

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Key points:They say millennials, young adults and Gen Z are leaving the church in droves. Why is the church losing its voice and influence in our culture today?Keys to reaching the next generation:1. ...



How to Pray for the People You Mentor | Philippians 1

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

God wants us to pray for those we are discipling. In Philippians, Paul prays for the people that he had led to Christ. Here we learn how to pray for the people in our own lives by studying how Paul...



Parenting Tough Love

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By FACMaryville

This lesson is a good reminder for both parents and leaders about the importance of "tough love". Key Points of Lesson“You are a born leader” is a false statement. To become a leader, it takes a...



Defining Holiness

Category: Theology, Apostolic, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Rev Raymond Woodward

Holiness in Hebrew is "qodesh" and in Greek "hagiosune"   The early meaning of the words holiness is Withdraw Separate Sanctification   Being holy does not always mean just to be separate...



Why Holiness Matters

Category: Theology, Apostolic, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Rev Raymond Woodward

Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord You can interpret this verse two ways: 1) You will not go to heaven and see God if you do not ha...



The Tension Between Relationship and Mission as a Mentor

Category: Ministry, Relationships, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By pursuegod

How do you balance mission and relationship as a mentor/disciple-maker? Get some guidance here. Discipleship is relationship, but there is also a mission and goal when you are making disciples. Som...



Necessary Endings

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Henry Cloud

Necessary Endings to Liberate Organizations Where are you thriving and where are you just surviving? Leadership expert and best-selling author, Dr. Henry Cloud, shares that great leaders know the ne...



The Impact of High Value Teaching (Series)

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Leadercast

The Impact of High-Value Teaching As a Master Black Belt for Cintas Corporation, Chris McGill is a teacher and coach at heart. In this video, he talks about the difference between being rigid and fle...



Dealing with a dominator

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By small group

A dominator is a person who is comfortable with sharing his opinion about everything and will often attempt to control all conversations within the group. How can group leaders deal with dominato...



Believe the Best

Category: Relationships, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Andy Stanley

Developing a culture of trust is critical to the health and success of your organization. I want to try to illustrate this and I could spend a lot of time on this, I'm going to try to make this quick....




Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By -

Confrontation is a very scary experience. Instead of calling it confrontation, let us coin the phrase carefrontation. The idea you merge caring and confronting together. You care front somebody. You s...



The Maturity Myth

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By pursuegod

Discipleship requires speaking truth in love, but a lot of Christians don’t feel qualified to do this. They think they have to mature first and become more spiritual. They think, &ldqu...



Do What You Say

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Craig Groeschel

You are the CRO of your organization ... the "Chief Reminding Officer". Consistent communication is key. It is impossible to over-communicate vision, values, & direction.   The first thing is effec...



Vulnerability Makes for Strong Leaders

Category: Talking Point, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Brian Wells

Brian Wells, entrepreneur, philanthropist and co-founder of Flashlight Entertainment, has worked with a lot of different leaders in a variety of environments. He says that the leaders he admires most ...



Why Emotional Intelligence is Today's Leadership Currency

Category: Relationships, Talking Point, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Steve Cockram

Steve Cockram, best-selling author and leadership expert, shares how people can harness the power of emotional intelligence and relationships to be successful in business. In today’s world of so...


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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

By Rev David Bernard

Should I Be Rebaptised?

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How to Talk to a Trinitarian

By Rev David Bernard

Does 1 John 5:7 Describe the Trinity?

By Rev David Bernard

Do babies go to heaven if they die?

By Rev David Bernard

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