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Showing 1 - 13 of 13

The Will of God (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Seekers, Apostolic, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Today, most Christians ask, “God, what is Your will for my life?”. But what if we considered a new perspective where we center our lives around God instead of trying to fit God into our lives? ...



Connect Series - Freedom (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Discover

By DM Lab

It may be from an incredibly regretful act we did in the past, or an egregious thing that was committed upon us by a trusted person, or even a personal trait we wish we could tear away from ourselves:...



Connect Series - Life (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Discover

By DM Lab

The world in which we inhabit today is increasingly complex and complicated. The fight for time, the insatiable greed for money, the misuse of beauty and pleasure, the abuse of physical bodies, and th...



Fear of the Lord (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

The fear of the Lord is an interesting subject in the Bible. We often associate fear with bad and negative things. Why would God want us to fear Him? There is a fear talked about in the Bible that des...



Connect Series - Relationship (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Love, the bond of a strong relationship. To be loved, what a precious thing that is. But when you look around the world today, Love seems no more than a watered down lip service homage paid in order ...



Connect Series - Soul (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

The soul – it embodies our will, emotions and thought process; it forms the core of our inner being that makes us individually unique in our personality. We may sometimes ponder, “Why did ...



Connect Series - Identity (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

From birth, we are on an endless quest of discovering who we are. We absorb the voices of world— of the people and the culture surrounding us— in the process of establishing our identity, ...



Connect Series - God (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

We all crave connection, the link that bridges the gap between one person to another. In a world among 7 billion strangers, a familiar voice can remind us that we’re not so alone after all. This is ...



Five Fold Agenda of God and Satan (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Seekers, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Did you know that both God and Satan have the same goals and agenda for you?  In this series, we will look at the Five-fold agenda of God and Satan. These five areas involve the way we think, the wa...



Trust (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Seekers, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

In every relationship, trust is a crucial part of making the relationship a strong and intimate one. Likewise in our relationship with God, we have the come to a place where we have developed a trust ...



Spiritual Warfare 101 (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Devotionals

Stage: Serve

By Tabernacle of Joy

Most Christians are aware of an unseen Enemy. But very often, we lack the knowledge and skill to fight and win! Sun Tze said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a...



Hide and Seek (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Apostolic, Devotionals

Stage: Discover

By DM Lab

The Bible is God’s 66 love letters to us. However, sometimes we might not know where to start reading or studying it. Hide and Seek is a series of 19 lessons designed to help believers read and unde...



Irresistible (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Apostolic, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

God’s love is unconditional, relentless and intoxicating. In this series, it’s all about falling in love with God again as we take a journey of knowing the true essence of what He is all about –...


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