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Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Biblical Holiness - Why It Still Matters

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Apostolic

Stage: Serve

By Rev David Bernard and Sis Linsey Chrestman

Hebrews 12:14 states that : “… without which no man will see the Lord…”Holiness: a separation - God has called us out Holiness also implies dedication, therefore we are separated from the wor...



How to Know if You're Unequally Yoked

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Discover


[Disclaimer: We do not endorse every doctrinal belief of the speaker outside of this chosen video. However, pertaining to this topic and what is shared, we agree biblically]. The word picture men...



Can Christians Lose their Salvation?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Talking Point, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

The idea of unconditional eternal security (once saved always saved) is that once a person is saved, no matter what they do in their Christian life, they’re still going to be saved in the end.That i...



How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By David Bernard

How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?The shift has to become from external rules to internal guidance, which is really the New Testament principle. God said, “ I’m gonna put my laws...



Is it Ok for Christians to drink Alcohol? (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point, Apostolic

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

The question of whether the Bible condones drinking is hotly debated by many Christians in our present age. In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard reviews both ancient history and biblical texts to ans...



Should New Testament Believers Tithe

Category: Theology, Apostolic

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

What does the Bible teach about Tithing? The Bible teaches good financial stewardship, it teaches that 100% of what we have belongs to God. God has given us life, health, strength, ability, intel...


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Should I Be Rebaptised?

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