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Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Dealing with a dominator

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By small group

A dominator is a person who is comfortable with sharing his opinion about everything and will often attempt to control all conversations within the group. How can group leaders deal with dominato...



How to Avoid Being a Weird Small Group

Category: Ministry

Stage: Serve

By Pursue God

If you’re going to be invitational (as you should!), people will visit your group who aren’t familiar with how you do things. If they find your group awkward or uncomfortable, they probably won’...



How Groups and Mentoring Work: The Basic Commitments

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

It’s important, from the start of a mentoring relationship, to make the commitment clear. (This also helps in a small group). Here are the basic commitments for mentors and mentees. The mentor (gro...



Dealing with the Small Group Dominator

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

A common problem many small group leaders face is dealing with people who dominate the discussion time during the meeting. Dominators like to contribute their insights early and often to every questio...



3 People Lists for Biblical Mentoring

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

If you are ready to use the tools and resources on pursueGOD then you need to consider who to mentor. There are 3 lists to classify people and the mentoring relationships you have with them. Consider ...



Is Your Church an Echo Chamber?

Category: Ministry

Stage: Serve

By Pursue God

An “echo chamber” refers to a group of people who gather together around a similar ideology and listen only to their perspective. It’s like a pep rally where everyone is cheering for the same ...



Mentoring at Church

Category: Ministry

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

Whether you are a pastor, discipleship leader, men’s or women’s leader, youth leader, or small group leader – in fact, whatever ministry you might be involved in – if you learn to use the simp...



Boundaries in Mentoring Others

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

As you help others pursue God, you can really get in trouble if you don’t observe appropriate interpersonal boundaries. This is true in an individual mentoring relationship as well as in a small gro...


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