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God of Moses: When Self Is the Center

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

God clearly had a plan for Moses’ life. He would use Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. But young Moses was too confident in his own abilities. Yet later, after Moses became humbl...



Overview: The book of Ruth

Category: Theology

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

The book of Ruth demonstrates how God is involved in the everyday events of our lives. This story occurred in a time of history that was very difficult. Naomi had moved to Moab with her husband and tw...



An Overview of the Book of Ruth

Category: Theology

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

The book of Ruth demonstrates how God is involved in the everyday events of our lives. This story occurred in a time of history that was very difficult. Naomi had moved to Moab with her husband and tw...


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