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Archaeological Evidence: The Bible - Can You Dig It?

Category: Theology

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

If the Bible is true, then we should expect the work of archaeology to support the Bible. As we examine archaeology we find this is exactly what happens. 19th century discoveries In the 19th century...



The Dead Sea Scrolls

Category: Theology

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

Video Highlights: Beginning with the Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries in Europe) scholars, politicians, and other leaders began criticizing historical authority structures.These authority structu...



The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Bible & Jewish History Confirmed

Category: Theology

By C4I Canada

How do we know that the Bible we have today is reliable? People have argued that much was lost in translation each time the text was copied. The argument usually relied on how the earliest manuscripts...


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