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Showing 1 - 4 of 4

Through the Book of Habakkuk (Series) (Series)

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

Have you ever complained to God? Habakkuk did and God’s answers to him will amaze you.  



Learning to Embrace Hardships

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

Habakkuk started his book with a complaint and he ends with a song. It is not a happy song. It’s a song that takes into account all God has promised in his judgment against Judah and Babylon. It is...



Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?

Category: Seekers

Stage: Learn

By Relevant Christian

When we hear of earthquakes, school shootings, wars and other tragedies the question is always asked, “Where was God?” People wonder why a loving and caring God would allow this to happen....



God and Suffering

Category: Seekers

Stage: Learn

By PragerU

All good people are appalled by the sufferings of the innocent. Many claim that such suffering is proof that God must not exist. How can an all good and all powerful God allow unjust suffering? Either...


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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

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What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?

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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

By Rev David Bernard

Should I Be Rebaptised?

By Rev David Bernard

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