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Showing 1 - 20 of 42

Do babies go to heaven if they die?

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

Principles considered in answering this question:   ?      This is on the principles of God’s word and understanding of God’s justice and mercy ? &n...



What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism

Category: Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

Genesis 1:27 “ So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” The idea of human sexuality, or sex or gender is God’s idea. He cre...



Tech Devices and Your Strong Willed Child

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Focus on the Family

Tech, Devices and Your Strong-Willed Child Technology has its hazards for young children but especially for the teen years. Your strong-willed child will most likely be strong-willed about gettin...



5 Tips not to go Crazy on Social Media

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Jefferson Bethke

Tip 1: Have Guidelines  There are people with trillions of dollars at stake, whose only job and mission is to get you to look more, swipe more and touch more. Unless you have a resisting manifesto, ...



Is Gambling a Sin?

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

Is gambling a sin?This topic is both increasingly relevant and prevalent especially in this day and age. One of the main reasons for this dilemma is due to the Bible not explicitly saying “ thou sha...



How to Know if You're Unequally Yoked

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Discover


[Disclaimer: We do not endorse every doctrinal belief of the speaker outside of this chosen video. However, pertaining to this topic and what is shared, we agree biblically]. The word picture men...



Can Christians Lose their Salvation?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Talking Point, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

The idea of unconditional eternal security (once saved always saved) is that once a person is saved, no matter what they do in their Christian life, they’re still going to be saved in the end.That i...



How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By David Bernard

How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?The shift has to become from external rules to internal guidance, which is really the New Testament principle. God said, “ I’m gonna put my laws...



Is it Ok for Christians to drink Alcohol? (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point, Apostolic

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

The question of whether the Bible condones drinking is hotly debated by many Christians in our present age. In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard reviews both ancient history and biblical texts to ans...



How to Positively Influence Your Husband Part 2

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Gary Thomas

Changing your husband focuses on being happy only base on what he does. Influencing your husband focuses on what you can do with God to be a positive and nurturing influence. "What if your husband's...



How to Positively Influence Your Husband Part 1

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Gary Thomas

You can’t change your husband, but you can influence him.If I turn my wife into a "love me like how I want to be loved machine", that is the height of narcissism. But rather we help her become all t...



Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 2) - Al and Lisa Robertson

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Focus on the Family

How does one a Christian live through and measure what seems to be the consequences of abortion, when you did something against God's wishes and circumstances that seem punitive?God created us because...



Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 1) - Al and Lisa Robertson

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Focus on the Family

What is Forgiveness?Forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Forgiveness is not intuitive when you are so hurt and wounded. During an abortion, there was shame and guilt. If you were not doing anything ...



An Abortion Survivor's Story of Forgiveness - Claire Culwell & Tonya Glasby

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Focus on the Family

Claire Culwell’s birth mom was just 14 years old when she gave birth to her daughter after an abortion procedure that took the life of her twin in the womb. In this amazing conversation, Tonya Glasb...



Forgiveness and Healing for Post Abortive Women - Lindsay Christensen & Laurie Haynes

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Focus on the Family

2 Types of Women Post Abortion:1) Women who are 6 months to a year into the abortion and their lives have imploded. 2) Older women in their 50s to 60s who start reflecting on their lives and issues r...



Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Sam Allberry

Although Jesus doesn’t mention homosexuality, he’s not neutral when it comes to sexual behavior.Matthew 15:19-20 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, th...



What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Sean Mcdowell

In the very beginning, God has a certain design and pattern for us. God gives certain commands and rules for our good. Genesis 1 tells us that God made Male and Female both made in His image. Genes...



Is the LGBTQ Movement the New Civil Rights Movement?

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Real Truth Real Quick

Many think that the LGBTQ+ movement is similar to the Civil Rights Movement where one fights against White Supremacy while the other is against Heteronormativity.Biblically this is not so. Principle ...



Don't Join Your Body and Spirit to Just Anyone

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Grace for Purpose

For the Church, the greatest area of unawareness is sexual sin. Matthew 15:18-19 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the hear...



Four Effects of Sexual Sin

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Grace for Purpose

The standard of God's Word:Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. But the devil promotes adulteries and affairs. The...


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