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Should I Be Rebaptised? Christian Living

Should I Be Rebaptised?

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

When should someone consider being rebaptized? Is it ever necessary for someone who was previously baptized in Jesus’ name to be baptized in Jesus’ name again? Before we can answer these questions, we first need to know what water baptism is. Water baptism is ?      part of the Christian c...


Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 2) Kids

Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 2)

Stage: Discover

By Dr. Kevin Leman & Jean Daly

Why kids misbehave? 1. They are attention getters. • A test of wills start at about at 18 months of a child’s life. • Both good and bad behaviour is a yell for attention • Kids throw temper tantrums for a purpose. All social behaviour servers a purpose in a kids’ life • We need to b...


Are Oneness Pentecostals Modalists Theology

Are Oneness Pentecostals Modalists

Stage: Serve

By Rev David Bernard

Bro David Bernard examines the association of Oneness Pentecostals with Modalism and clarifies their beliefs. While Oneness Pentecostals share some similarities with what is labelled Modalism, Bro Bernard argues they should not be equated. Key points include: 1.      Definition of Modali...


How to Know if You're Unequally Yoked Relationships

How to Know if You're Unequally Yoked

Stage: Discover


[Disclaimer: We do not endorse every doctrinal belief of the speaker outside of this chosen video. However, pertaining to this topic and what is shared, we agree biblically]. The word picture mentioned were two animals whose necks are connected together to achieve a mission in the fields. Farme...


The Prodigal (Modern Remake) Seekers

The Prodigal (Modern Remake)

Stage: Learn

By Jubilee Project

A modern remake of the prodigal that demonstrates the love of a father toward his wayward son. This is a beautiful picture of God's love toward His children who have turned away from Him. 


What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism Talking Point

What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

Genesis 1:27 “ So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” The idea of human sexuality, or sex or gender is God’s idea. He created everyone as either male or female. Not other genders, and not both genders. That’s God’s pl...


What Does Binding and Loosing Mean? Apostolic

What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?

Stage: Serve

By Rev. David Bernard

The authority to bind and loose is given to the church at large and the leaders of the church as representatives of the church. It is Spiritual authority based on the word of GodIt is not absolute authority, no authority is absolute except God’s. It is not authority to tell angels what to do. They...


What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People? Ministry

What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

Stage: Impact

By Pete Scazzero

Being hurt and betrayed is part of what it means to follow Jesus who was betrayed in John 15.  Every leader, every believer of Jesus Christ is going to face betrayal at some point.  What then can we do about it?  1. Thank God for it and receive it as a giftIt is an indispensable spiritual form...


How can the church reach the next generation? Youth

How can the church reach the next generation?

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Key points:They say millennials, young adults and Gen Z are leaving the church in droves. Why is the church losing its voice and influence in our culture today?Keys to reaching the next generation:1. Be authentic. People are looking for something real, deeper and more meaningful than pretense.2. Hav...

Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers? Leadership

Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

Stage: Impact

By Pete Scazzero

Why do you have to be a great griever to be a great leader?Jesus Himself was known as a Man of great sorrows. Grieving is a theme all through scripture. Loss is so much a part of life. “The story of Job, is the story of us all.” We are constantly losing things, and at the end of life lose every...


Connect Series - Freedom Devotionals

Connect Series - Freedom (Series)

Stage: Discover

By DM Lab

It may be from an incredibly regretful act we did in the past, or an egregious thing that was committed upon us by a trusted person, or even a personal trait we wish we could tear away from ourselves: Certainly, we can feel ashamed of many things. Shame can cause us to believe lies about ourselves a...


Most Recent

Are Oneness Pentecostals Modalists

By Rev David Bernard

Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 2)

By Dr. Kevin Leman & Jean Daly

Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)

By Dr. Kevin Leman & Jean Daly

Setting a New Rhythm for Your Family

By Focus on the Family

Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

By Pete Scazzero

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